As you all probably know (if you don't, you will in just a second), I write books.

I started writing forever ago, and have just recently started getting in to self publishing. It's been a crazy ride, but I'm so happy with how things are going. This page will have the links to all of my books that are available for purchase currently, and also will talk a bit about my upcoming book(s)!


"Sometimes one person, just another wandering soul, can change your mind about everything that you feel life should be." Ireland Mathis is anything but extraordinary. She reads cheesy romance novels, watches classic Disney movies, drinks too much coffee, and listens to an overly cliche playlist. She is lonely and quiet and can't seem to find anyone who is willing to understand her. But it all changes one day inside a tiny, cluttered coffee shop down the street from her new home.


❝the world is not lacking in wonders, but in a sense of wonder.❞ -G.K. Cheserton
It all started with a map. 
And now all they have are maps and roadsigns and a checklist--besides each other, of course.
So what happens when a group of six best friends split up into teams to embark on the biggest adventure they've had yet? Well, chaos of course.

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