Friday, August 16, 2013

Here Comes The Sun: July 14-16, 2013

Hi All!

Long time, no blog. I know, I know, I promised I would keep up on the blogs this summer but it just didn't work out. I was computer-less for most of the summer and actually just got one back today! So I thought I would post what has been going on this summer for my "here comes the sun" series I was supposed to be doing.

This summer has been pretty great.

In July, I went to Cedar Point (an amusement park in Sandusky, OH) with my cousins and it was honestly such a blast.

On the way up there we stopped at McDonald's for a quick snack, which ended in all of us having our own minion. Our chaperon decided that the minions would be our mascots for our trip. It resulted in fits of giggles from everyone.

 We started the day with the viking ship ride which was sort of let down, honestly. But then we moved on to the Raptor and Gatekeeper and those rides were absolutely fabulous. Gatekeeper is probably one of the best coasters I have ever rode.

As we rode the Raptor and Gatekeeper, the rest of the group went to see the Snoopy on Ice Show;we heard it was pretty fantastic, especially since it was air conditioned.

We also went on with our day by riding some water rides, Iron Dragon, The Corkscrew, and many more. We ended the day with a quick ride on Windseeker, soaring above the lake and the park as the sun was setting. It was absolutely beautiful and I am beyond thankful that I got to enjoy that day with some amazing people.

(I also tried a churro for the first time ever and I have to say I have been missing out these past 17 years!)

The rest of the summer has been spent working a lot, which has been a truly wonderful experience (the good and bad parts). I also got to go on a trip to the zoo with my family which was just amazingly fun, despite the crazy rainfall that we were getting that day.

This has been an amazing summer and I am excited to say that I will be starting my senior year of high school on Tuesday. I am praying for an amazing last year as a kid and that the Lord will send many blessings and opportunities my way.

I think I am also going to continue the "here comes the sun" posts for a little while. It probably wont last through Christmas or anything, but probably at least through October.

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and that wherever you are going in the next year with be full of blessings for you!

With Love,