Monday, June 3, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Things: iPhone Photo Apps

Hey there!

I decided to start another little series on this blog called A Few Of My Favorite Things. This will have favorites of anything and everything in my life! Up first: iPhone Photo Apps.

If you're like me you don't always want to lug around a big bulky camera. I prefer to just take some pictures of the moment on my iPhone. It's quick and simple. I've spent the last year that I have owned my phone trying to come up with the perfect collection of iPhone Photo Apps to make my pictures amazing. Although I don't quite know if I am there yet, I am definitely well on my way. So let's get started!

My number one favorite iPhone Photo App would have to be instagram. It is so easy to use and creates beautiful pictures. I love being able to share my photos with friends at just the touch of a button and also to see my friends lives through photos. Honestly, if I could only have one off of this list it would be instagram.
Second on my list is non other than Vsco Cam. I love the fact that this app is so easy to use but it creates such beautiful pictures. This app was so easy to figure out when I first bought it and it has become a necessity to use it on almost all of my pictures. If you have never used it, here are all of it's filters:

And on top of the beautiful filters you can mess around with things like fade, grain, vignette, and much much more! I definitely recommend you purchase this app!

Next we have my newest find: A Beautiful Mess. I am so in love. Honestly, it was well worth the money I spent on it and I am so excited to continue to play around with it. This app allows you to add fun filters, text, doodles, and even some sayings that were built in. The app costs $0.99 and there are some in-app purchases, but trust me when I say it is totally worth it. I love it! Here are a few examples of what you can do with A Beautiful Mess:

There is obviously much more to this app, I just wanted to show you some of what you will get.

And here are the rest of the apps in my collection. (The first three I keep on my home screen for easy access since they are my favorites). So I thought for these I would just tell you what I use them all for. 
  • Diptic: I use this for combining my pictures together. There are other apps that work just as well, but I found this one to be my favorite. 
 (Also edited with A Beautiful Mess & VSCO Cam)

  • Afterlight: I use this quite often as well. This app has some pretty nice filters and tools to make your photos look great! The thing I use this app for the most, though, is to add white around the edges.
  •  Over: This app is pretty simple really. It is to add text over your photos. It has many different fonts and is a very good investment.  
  • Lumie: This is a pretty fun app, although I have to say I don't use it too often. This one is to add glitter or hearts or sparkles all of your photos. It can be fun to add to some of them, and it gives photos a very personalized touch. 
So that is all that I have to share with you for this AFOMFT (A Few Of My Favorite Things) post. I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to let me know what some of your favorite iPhone Photo Apps are in the comments. Also, follow me on instagram: @shiii_xo and I may give you a follow back :)

With Love,

Here Comes The Sun: June 3, 2013

Hey everyone!

I am back with another post for your lovely faces today. I wanted to just share a few pieces of information with you all. First off, if you are wondering why the title is the same as the last post it is because I decided to do a little summer series for you called, you guessed it, Here Comes The Sun. Those four words just make me happy I guess.

The next thing I wanted to share with you is, wait for it, I'M A SENIOR! I just wrapped up my junior year and submitted my very last exam so I am officially a senior. I am so ecstatic for this summer and I plan on making it the best one yet!

So, yesterday we decided to go and have a little "photo shoot" just to play around with some ideas for my senior pictures. I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you.

So, I know that was quite a few, but I just really love them all. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far and be on the lookout for new posts!
