Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Happy List

So, I generally have a hard time finding reasons to be happy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I try and try and try some more to find the little things in life that make me happy. I think I'm actually starting to get better at it too, which actually makes me really excited. That was why I decided to do the 100 Happy Days challenge (you can check it out here). I think it's a fabulous idea to try to find something that makes you happy everyday and that it can just be the little things in life. I think that it is a really cool challenge to get people thinking.

{I'm doing it on instagram, if you'd like to join me.}

Anywho, I thought that I would post a little list of things that make me happy in honor of starting the #100HappyDays today. A lot of little things make me happy.

  • Jesus
  • my bible
  • my tattoo
  • summer
  • kings island
  • facing fears
  • drinking out of mugs
  • getting good grades
  • when people like my writing
  • writing
  • reading books
  • candles
  • netflix (mostly one tree hill, ya feel me?)
  • twitter
  • making someone smile
  • smiling for no reason
  • when other people laugh
  • blogging
  • dying my hair
  • adventures to anywhere
  • movie theaters
  • one direction (sue me)
  • old pictures
  • finding new music
  • having a clean room
  • making new friends
  • journaling
  • despicable me
  • monsters inc
  • frozen
  • disney in general
  • this list
There are many other things that also make me happy, so you'll have to follow me on instagram to see those things. 

What makes you happy? Join me in the 100 Happy Days challenge and leave me a comment with your instagram username. I'll most likely give you a follow. If you don't want to do the challenge, just leave me a comment with some things that make you happy. 

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