Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tumblr Tuesday!

So as you can see, I reblogged A LOT of TFiOS stuff this week because the trailer (eeeeep!) came out. I may have fangirled just a bit. It's normal. 
There was some Harry Styles because of his birthday, and some quotes that I just really liked. Nothing too special for this week. 

What have you been reblogging this week?

Monday, February 3, 2014

We Are the Fearless Ones

fearless (Adj.): showing a lack of fear; intrepid.

Fearless is a word that I have been thinking about for a really long time now. It's a word that I have sort of taken on as my life motto; I want to live fearlessly. It took me a long time to figure out what it actually meant, though. To me, fearless doesn't mean "having no fear," it means that I have fears, but I'm going to face them. I truly believe that since I realized that I have not only been living more fearlessly, but I've also been happier.

I started to try new things. They were things that I thought scared me, and sometimes still do scare me. I started facing my fears by riding a roller coaster (silly, I know) and I ended up loving it. After I did that facing my fears became sort of a spiral effect and I started trying things that absolutely scare me to death. But I did them. And honestly, the feeling that I get after trying something that scares me is the best feeling in the world. It's like a rush of adrenaline is coursing through my veins and it's just exciting.

I want to challenge you all to do one thing that scares you this week. Whatever it may be, and however silly it may seem. Just give it a shot. Let me know how you feel afterwards, because to me there is honestly no way to describe that feeling.