Wednesday, October 22, 2014

So We Finally Saw Bastille | HelloShiloh


My best friend, Alexa, and I have been waiting since March to see this band. . .and it finally happened.

We were so excited that we decided to make a night of it. Before the concert we stopped by a restaurant called Chuy's...and it was delicious.

Afterwards we went straight to the show.

Our seats were right above the floor so we had the perfect view of the stage. 

The opening band was terrific. I loved their sound, but it was just a tad awkward because nobody who had a seat, and I literally mean no one, was standing up. (There was one guy on the floor who was going pretty hard though--props to him). 

And then after about forty more minutes of waiting, Bastille finally came on stage. 

They sound exactly the same live as they do on their album, which is always a plus for me. 
And they started out with 'Things We Lost in the Fire' which is my favorite, so. 

It was just a really good night and I don't know what else to say about it. 
Bastille is fantastic and it is always a good time to get to hang out with your best friend at concerts. 

xoxo, shi

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