Monday, January 5, 2015

 Apps That Every College Student Should Have

When I started college in August, I did a lot of research on which apps other college students thought were a necessity. Since then, I've tried out a lot of them to figure out which ones I would use and which ones I wouldn't. So today I thought I would share that list with you.

These are my 9 essential apps for school:

1. MyWater (free // iPhone
––This app is perfect for keeping track of how much water you are drinking. If you're like me, then you don't drink nearly as much as you need to. So this app really helps keep you disciplined in actually drinking water.
2. Sleep Cycle ($0.99 // iPhone, Android)
––Sleep Cycle is amazing. It keeps track of your sleeping patterns so that it wakes you up when you're in your lightest stage of sleep. It is an app that really helps me wake up pleasantly in the mornings.
3. Mint (free // iPhone, Android)
––Mint is great for keeping track of your finances. I know, at least for myself, that college is living on a budget. This app keeps track of where you spend your money and how much money you should spend on certain things. It's a great way to help you plan your budget.
4. Shopkick (free // iPhone, Android
––Who doesn't love free gift cards? That's right, nobody. This app allows you to earn points by walking into stores and scanning certain items. With those points, you win free gift cards. It's wonderful.
5. Pocket (free // iPhone, Android)
––Pocket is a great way to save articles and other interesting things you find online without cluttering up your computer. It's very useful if you have classes that you read a lot of articles in!
6. Dropbox (free // iPhone, Android, Website)
––I'm an English major, so I write a ton of papers. One of my biggest fears is losing those papers if my computer crashes or something. This app is great for keeping your work (and pictures, etc) safe from computer crashes.
7. iStudiez Pro ( $2.99 // iPhone)
––iStudiez is a little bit more expensive than what I would usually purchase from the app store, but let me tell you it's a life saver. iStudiez keeps track of the classes you have for a semester, your homework, and your grade. You can put in all of your info about a class, even the professor. It is so easy to use and keeps everything so organized. I recommend this app to everyone. If I had to pick one of these, it would probably be this one.
8. paypal (free // iPhone, Android, Website)
––PayPal is great if your going to shop online. It keeps all of your information more secure and you can send and receive money to and from friends. It's a great app to have.
9. SheReadsTruth (free // iPhone, Android, Website)
––This is definitely my second favorite out of all of these apps. This one has everything on it. It has the entire Bible, plus reading plans to keep you motivated and reminders to read. It is a fantastic way of staying motivated to read your Bible. Right now they are even doing a (free) plan to help you read through the Bible in a year. I love this app!

If any of you are in college (or even high school) and have any apps that I didn't mention that you absolutely love, feel free to leave them in the comments. I'm always up for checking out new apps!


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