Friday, April 12, 2013

Long Time

Hi everyone!

Long time, no blog. Sorry about that. Also, long time, no vlog. :( Sorry about that as well. School got crazy and I totally got behind on doing anything with my youtube. I miss you guys!

I just wanted to make this post to let you know that I'm gonna try to get back on track with this whole crazy thing! Also, I have an idea for a big video that I want to start filming as soon as possible! It would include kind of a lot of people, a lot of stories, and a great message. I don't want to give too much away because nothing is set in stone yet, but just keep the project in your prayers!

So, in the past few months we've done some awesome things. We went to Winter Jam.

I also got my first job! :D It's really exciting!

Well, I have to go, got a busy night ahead of me.
Talk to you soon!

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