Friday, February 1, 2013


I absolutely love the days when you go without having a real plan. They are the days that God plans and they always turn out fabulous.

Today I got to see a friend who I haven't seen since before Thanksgiving. We were just going to go see a movie tonight, but she ended up getting a snow day today. This brought on a whole new set of plans. We decided to go see the movie in the early afternoon (we saw Warm Bodies) and do a little shopping. Well, after the movie we stopped at Panera to get a smoothie and do some catching up. I love the friends who you can talk to about anything. After we finished our smoothies we went over to Charming Charlie and Ulta do a little window shopping. Super fun.

At around 5 we picked up her mom at work who decided to bring us to Red Robin, which so happens to be my favorite restaurant. It's honestly such a blessing to have her & her family in my life, and I am so thankful to God for them everyday. Little days like today are the best.

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