Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Highschoolers Guide to Online School

For a big chunk of my schooling I was online schooled. I was home schooled from kindergarten to fourth grade, and also my Sophomore and Junior years of high school. Now, before we start this post, I just want to debunk any stereotypes of homeschoolers that you may have. We actually aren't all that weird and socially awkward. (I actually had a somewhat thriving social life while I was doing online school).

So, if you are a highschooler who is debating on whether or not to do your schooling online, or you're already doing it online, this post is for you.

As a former member of the online school community, I know how difficult it can be to stay motivated and get all of the work that needs to be done, done. It can be very stressful at times, and sometimes the walls of your home are going to feel like a prison. So here are the best tips I have on dealing with everything that comes from online school:

  • Take your time. I was enrolled in online school my sophomore and junior years of high school. It was extremely difficult for me to use any time management skills. The recommended time for each class was an hour a day. I honestly never spent that much time on any of my courses, and I wish I would have. It was so easy just to skim through all of the lesson, instead of actually taking the time to read it. Don't do this. Read through the entire thing, take notes, and take your time. It really effects your grades and your education if you don't. I honestly can't really remember much from my junior year, because I rushed through everything so fast. 
  • Talk to your teachers if you need help. They're there for a reason. Use them if you need to. One of the things I regret most about my time in online school was not utilizing the teachers when I was struggling. They want to help you just as much as teachers in a regular, brick and mortar school setting want to help. It's still their jobs.
  • Go to class connects. If you're enrolled through the k12 program (which is what I was enrolled through), utilize class connects. They may seem like a waste of time, but it's a great opportunity for your teachers to actually explain what you should be learning. They're helpful.
  • Stay off of social media. One of the biggest challenges that I faced throughout my online school experience was getting distracted by social media. I would log onto tumblr for "just a minute" and end up being on there for hours and not getting any work done. Discipline yourself to stay off of those sites until you are done with your work.
  • Take breaks, but put a strict time limit on them. It's so easy for you to get up and take a "break" that lasts for two hours when you have no strict time line to follow. If you set yourself a specific break time, it is a lot easier to stay motivated and get work done.
  • Light candles. Okay, so this might not be for everyone, but something that always helped me focus was having a nice smelling candle lit. 
  • Have your parents check in on your progress. As annoying as that may seem, it will hold you accountable, and you'll be sure to get more work done. 
So, those are just a few tips to help you through online school. If you'd like to see more tips, then just leave a comment and let me know. Also, if you have any tips of your own be sure to leave them in the comments.

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