Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Month of Instas: January.

As the month of January is coming to a close I thought I would share my instagram photos of the month.

I'm not usually very big on posting a lot of photos, but I do post somewhat often. These are the six pictures that I took in the month of January. January means a lot of things to me. Some might call it the "Monday of the Months" or anything else that constitutes that January is a boring month, but for me it's sort of a new beginning (I know, I know. Super cliche.) 

For me January is:
♠ A fresh start.
♠ The month of my birth.
♠ The month of second chances.
♠ A time to try and figure out who you are & who you want to be.
♠ A time to try new things, meet new people, read new books.

I don't know about other people, but I think January is pretty cool and I'm sad to see it ending so soon. But here's to the rest of 2014 - may it bring adventures and blessings to you all. 


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