Friday, January 3, 2014

Is It Really 2014?

Hello beautiful people of the internet.

It's been far too long since I last posted anything, but to be honest, I got kind of lazy. (I also lost my password to this account and just got it back tonight.) Can you guys believe that it's already 2014? I mean, when I was younger and would think about the year I graduate in it seemed like it would never get here, but in reality it came so quickly.

But anyway, I just wanted to say that I am going to attempt to keep this blog updated as best as I can from now. I want to really get serious about it...

In other news, I am almost finished writing my very first book and I would appreciate it greatly if you would all go and check it out for me. Here is the link. It's called Coffee Colored and I am actually really proud of it so far. I am hoping to get it published someday. That's the goal anyway.

Also, school has been pretty insane this year. I am graduating in five months! I really can't believe it's gone so fast. I have been busy applying to colleges and what not. Hopefully I can start going on some adventures and what not to make this blog a little bit more interesting, ya know.

Well, I'm probably boring you all to death right now so I will go.

Much love. xx

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