Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Month of Instas: March


Happy April 1st everyone!

It's finally time to say goodbye to March and welcome in a new month and I couldn't be more thrilled about it. 

The month of March was really great to me. A lot of really fun things happened as you can see in all of the instagram posts from above. I've been actively continuing on my #100happydays throughout the month and also posting some random things here or there. I have some throwbacks and some amazing quotes that I just fell in love with over the month. 

For me March was:
♠ A new start. (I said the same thing in January, but really God worked on my heart so very much this month that it felt like a fresh start.)
♠ One month closer to graduating. (56 days left!!!)
♠ New experiences. What with going to Lexington for Winter Jam for the first time ever to beginning a lot of new things in my life. 
♠ It meant hope.

I just really loved March and I am loving April already. 
Here's to a great month, and many more adventures.

xx, Shiloh. 

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