Sunday, June 29, 2014

So I Graduated | High School

// Wright State University
May 27, 2014

insta that i shamelessly stole from someone in my class. oops.

So, yeah. I graduated a while ago and haven't really had much time to post about it. What better time than the present, am I right?

There's really not too much that I want to say about it other than IT FEELS SO GOOD. 

I'm beyond ready to move on to college and focus on furthering my writing skills and getting new opportunities. I couldn't be more thrilled. 

the yellows' cute, right? ha

My high school experience wasn't the far. But I am so grateful that I got the opportunities and chances that I did while I was there. And I thought that I would go ahead and share some of them with you. Nothing too much (we'll save that for later), just some of the things that really stick out to me from my four years there. 

+ I met my best friend in the seventh grade. We weren't friends for a portion of our freshman / sophomore years, but we became close again and I couldn't be more thankful to have this girl in my life. She has been my rock through so much this past year and a half. I've been blessed by her. 

her dad is seriously good with a photography too. so that's cool. 

+ I learned how to be more vocal and open with things. I was always a shy kid. Like the cry-when-a-stranger-talked-to-me type. It was bad. But throughout my years of high school I learned to be a lot more vocal and talkative with people. And now I can pretty much talk to anyone who comes up to me. I'm not a shy little girl any more and I am so grateful for that.

+ Some of the best lessons I learned in high school weren't in math or english or history. They were just by simply observing people. I learned that everyone you meet is a little bit broken or a little bit in need of a friend. Life is messy and that's okay. But we have to learn to take it on at full force and give everyone we come into contact with a chance. Because that's what love does. 

+ I found out who I was. It's rare for someone who just got out of high school to say that they know who they are. And to be honest with you, I probably don't completely know who I am either. But I'm better than I was. I know who I want to be, now I just have to figure out how to become her. 

we always have to be goofy.
i love my family.

+ Most importantly, I learned that the people who are always going to be there for me are my family. They support me through everything that I do and I couldn't be more thankful for them and the impact that each of them have made on my life. They are the best friends that I could have ever asked for. God blessed me. 

Overall, high school may have been difficult, but it was definitely worth it and I can't wait to see where my life goes next. 

Congrats class of 2014.
We did it. 

xoxo Shi

How many of you guys graduated this year?

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