Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekly Eye Candy | June 30


So it's that time of week again...WEEKLY EYE CANDY!
I don't know why but I really really love these weekly eye candy posts. I think it's so fun to share the stuff that has been majorly catching my eye lately. 

  • 1. Bobby pins. I don't know why, but I just like this picture a lot for no reason in particular. I just think it's cute.
  • 2. This. Is. Gorgeous. All I want to do with my life is travel and fall in love with the places that God has created for us to enjoy. Nature is a truly incredible thing if you ask me. 
  • 3. I like elephants. And tattoos. I wouldn't actually ever get this tattoo, but I think that it's super cute. 
  • 4. I go to seek a great perhaps. I love Looking For Alaska (did you hear they're making a movie of that one too? Gosh, these John Green books-turned-movies are going to ruin me). I love the idea of seeing a great perhaps as well. Adventure anybody?
  • 5. Everyone smiles in the same language. I just think that this is such a good reminder to smile at people always. You never know if that smile is going to impact someones life or not. 
  • 6. More with the theme of adventuring. I love this idea. Take a picture in every state and cut out the picture in the shape of that state. How cute!?
  • 7. A little reminder that God is with us always. I love the reminders like this one. 
  • 8. I want to fall in love. Waiting on God's timing, so when it does happen I know it's going to be fantastic.
  • 9. Baby feet. Ah. I just love little babies so much. 
  • 10. Stay close to anything that makes you feel alive. Speaks for itself really. It's one of my favorite quotes and I always try to remember this as I live my day by day life. I love it.
So that's all of the weekly eye candy I have for you today, stay tuned to see what I find for next week!

xoxo Shi

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