Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekly Eye Candy | August 16


So I am back with another weekly eye candy for ya.

This week I've basically just been reading. A lot. I don't know why, but I have just been in a read-y mood. That's part of the reason that I haven't really blogged all that much. But I'm back today do do another weekly eye candy. So here we go:

  1. I love concerts. I'm going to see Royal Tailor / Jamie Grace / OBB / Rapture Ruckus / Moriah Peters on August 29th - yippie! and I'm seeing Bastille on October 17. So I am just absolutely stoked. (One Direction is playing a show 4 hours from where I live tonight and I'm aggressively disappointed that I wont be there.)
  2. I just love bonfires. I've talked about it before. It's so summery, but I also feel like it could be a fall thing as well. And fall is my absolute favorite. So.
  3. Harry Styles. 'Nuff said.
  4. We've been spending our days exploring our small town lately and we found a place very similar to this. I love it.
  5. I love these stupid e-cards.
  6. See no. 5
  7. Again, One Direction. Wow. This turned into a 1D thing fast. Oops.
  8. I love friends. Yeah.
  9. This is the place we found that I mentioned in no. 4. It's pretty.
  10. BOOKS. okay.
That's all I have time to say at the moment, but I'll make another post later. 

xoxo, Shi

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