Monday, August 18, 2014

It's Not Summer Without You | Booking It

It's Not Summer Without You
 by Jenny Han

Can summer be truly summer without Cousins Beach?
It used to be that Belly counted the days until summer, until she was back at Cousins Beach with Conrad and Jeremiah. But not this year. Not after Susannah got sick again and Conrad stopped caring. Everything that was right and good has fallen apart, leaving Belly wishing summer would never come.
But when Jeremiah calls saying Conrad has disappeared, Belly knows what she must do to make things right again. And it can only happen back at the beach house, the three of them together, the way things used to be. If this summer really and truly is the last summer, it should end the way it started--at Cousins Beach.

I. Adored. This. Book.

I don't know what it is, or why, but I even think I liked this better than the first one. There was just something about it that I loved. Maybe it was because it dealt with something a bit more serious (not that the first one didn't but, I don't know, this one seemed to more.) I absolutely loved seeing how much Belly grew up since the first book and how much Conrad and Jeremiah changed as well. 

Also, I still can't decide whether I'm for Belly & Conrad or Belly & Jeremiah. They're both pretty fantastic and it's hard to choose.

five out of five. 
(one more star than the first in the trilogy).

I loved it so much. 

read on.
xoxo, shi

Next on my bookshelf:
We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han

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