Thursday, September 25, 2014

10 Things I Learned from Fangirl | HelloShiloh

So it's 8:36 p.m right now and I have two essays due in the morning, but instead of finishing them I decided I need to make a blog post. (#collegelife).

So, anyway. I've been having a bit of trouble coming up with blog ideas lately, because apparently college is zapping away my creativity. (Who would've guessed having to write 5 essays a week could drain all the words out of your brain. Not me, that's for sure.)("A reverse black hole of words." "So the world is sucking you dry," he said, "of language." "Not dry. Not yet. But the words are flying out of me so fast, I don't know where they're coming from." "And maybe you've run through your surplus," he said gravely, "and now they're made of bone and blood." "Now they're made of breath," she said. [i still love fangirl too much, obviously]).


Since I mentioned Fangirl, I thought that I might make a list of things this book (and being in college) has taught me. (Or really just why I love it so much.) Here we go.

  1. It's okay to be quiet / not fit in right away. With being a first year freshman this year, I'm realizing that it's not as easy to make friends in college as they make it seem. I've made one real friend so far, and that's sort of pushing it. It's always been hard for me to make friends since I'm so quiet, but college is like a totally different game. I'm trying to be patient and give it time. Eventually my Reagan, and more importantly my Levi, will find me.
  2. Words will somehow find their way out. (See above quote). It's been an aggressively painful task to write so many essays a week. I'm trying to make the words appear on paper, but it's a lot harder than it may seem. I'm tired and I feel like the words have all been sucked right out of me. But I know that they'll eventually come. It may take some time (and a whole lot of procrastination) but it'll be alright. 
  3. Professors are generally understanding. Professor Piper didn't have to let Cath have another semester to finish her final project--professors don't have to do anything--but they're generally pretty cool. And they understand when things come up as long as you talk to them.
  4. Sometimes your relationships with people have to change to help to move forward. Cath has to deal with a lot of things that her world used to revolve around changing--particularly Wren--and that's okay. People change and grow apart. The world will still go on. 
  5. Sometimes the people you least expect to will mean the most to you. Who would've thought Cath and Reagan would become friends?
  6. College isn't all that easy to adapt to; it takes time. You can't really expect to go to college on the first day and be adapted. It's different than anything you've ever done before, and it will take time to get used to. That's okay. Embrace it.
  7. It's not healthy to stay locked up in your room writing all the time. As much as this one bums me out, it's true. If you lock yourself away you don't have time to build relationships with people. I would love to spend all of my time hiding away while I write, but honestly, if you do that you have nothing to write about. Relationships with people are the best muses. (They are also really beneficial mentally. Make friends, they're cool sometimes).
  8. A little manic is okay. A little manic can inspire creativity. It's okay to be a little bit crazy. Embrace it.
  9. It taught me that I want a Levi. That's all I've got to say about that one.
  10. Rainbow Rowell is, without a doubt, my favorite author. For awhile I just couldn't seem to pick between her and John Green, but as I've reread Fangirl I realized that there is no competition. She won.
Okay, so those are just a few things that Fangirl has taught me. I guess I'm going to go try to bleed out a few more words for those essays now. Wish me luck. 

I'll write again soon,
xx Shi

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