Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014 | HelloShilohh


Long time no blog. (I'm so sorry.)

School has been a little bit crazy. College is a lot more difficult than I was expecting, I guess. It's a lot of writing (just not the kind of writing that I'm necessarily good at).

I also haven't made many friends. Just one, so shout out to her.
But seriously: how do you make friends in college? I can't even figure out how to talk to the kids who sit next to me in classes. It's just hard.

I was feeling pretty good until today, really.
It all just kind of hit me at once: four papers due, a test, a book to read, multiple articles to read.
Where does that leave time for me?

Time management is something that we haven't really talked much about yet. I feel like I have to juggle all of this and I'm not quite sure I'm doing a very good job. I'm not used to having three papers due on the same day; I was always the kind of girl who just wrote them the night before and I'm realizing that if I do that now, it won't be my best work. And I want to do my best work. I want this experience to be something that I'm proud of. I want to look back and think of college as a happy time (compared to my time in high school, that is).

I guess I don't really know what else to say.
Today's been hard. Tomorrow will be better (hopefully).
I'm learning and it'll get better as I go.

xoxo Shi

p.s. why can't I have a Levi? I've been re-reading fangirl and just. I want a Levi. There are no Levi's at school so far. 

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