Sunday, January 11, 2015

20 Things I've Learned From My Sister

There's just something about having a sister that makes the world a little bit better. 
Today, my sister turns seventeen. She has made me laugh and cry and try to figure out how to be a better person. She inspires me to be better than I am. I couldn't be more thankful that God has given me a sister that has also become my best friend. 

Today I wanted to share with you 20 things my sister has taught me.

  1. It's okay to be bold. 
  2. Dancing around like a lunatic in public is okay...and very fun.
  3. Taking risks is something that everyone needs to do sometimes.
  4. You can still have a kind heart and stand up for yourself.
  5. Not everyone is the same, and that's a wonderful part of life.
  6. Anything can become an adventure.
  7. Following your dreams is something that everyone should be allowed to do.
  8. Happiness is determined by you, not what you have or the circumstances that you're in.
  9. Everybody deserves a chance to be a friend.
  10. The world is just waiting to be explored.
  11. It's okay to indulge in doughnuts sometimes.
  12. Dying your hair crazy colors is definitely rad. 
  13. Having a creative spirit is good...utilizing it is better.
  14. Even young people can make a difference in this world.
  15. Being a friend is hard and it takes work. 
  16. Apologies are necessary––sometimes even when you don't feel like you did something wrong.
  17. Those boys who weren't here to stay aren't worth your time anymore.
  18. And how to gracefully let go of them, even if it hurts a little bit. 
  19. Friends come and go, and that's okay.
  20. And most importantly: nobody will ever be able to compete with the friendship that I've found in her for the past 17 years (jeez) and in all of the years to come. 
Happy, happy birthday Merci! Thank you for all that you've taught me. I can only hope that I've taught you some things along the way too.


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