Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just A Little Reminder That We're All Human


There's just a couple of things that I want to address after being on tumblr today.

  1.  Just because someone's opinion is different from yours doesn't mean that they are "trash."
  2.  If you want to call someone out for a comment you disagree with, telling them that they are "trash that needs to die" is not the best way to do so.
  3.  If you want to be passionate about a social issue, be passionate about that social issue. Don't just be passionate about bashing people who are on the other side of that issue.
  4. People who are in the spotlight (celebrities, families of celebrities, etc) are people too. They are people with opinions and thoughts and, most importantly, feelings. Don't hold them up to a standard that you aren't going to hold the people you actually know up to. They aren't perfect. Let them live their lives.
  5. Remember––I'm begging you––that you are also a human. You are not perfect, just as I'm not perfect and the person you're bashing isn't perfect. Being human is okay. Remember that. Please. 
  6. And just to reenforce this: opinions are opinions. They aren't right or wrong. No two people are going to view the world the same way; no two people are going to look at an issue the same way. That absolutely does not make one better than the other. Nobody is "trash."

Basically what happened in France is breaking my heart. Remember that what is most important right now is to send out love and understanding to all those that were affected by this tragedy, no matter what caused it. Terrorism is real. The world needs love. It needs Jesus.

I love you all and I hope that you are safe and blessed.

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