Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What I Learned From Frozen

I'm sure many of you have seen the new Disney movie Frozen. It has been raved about since it hit theaters back in November, and for good reason. This Disney movie has to be one of the best movies that I have seen in a while. It's easy to look at movies like this as just fun kid movies with no real meaning behind them, but Frozen's message really stuck out to me.

The biggest theme that I saw throughout the movie was fear. Elsa was terrified. She didn't understand how to use her powers, and there was nobody to really help her learn. That's why she was so angry; everything that she did that was "harmful" was because she was scared. But as soon as Anna sacrificed herself to save Elsa, it made sense. Love thaws a frozen heart. Love is how to control the powers. Love casts out fear.

It's easy to skip over this detail, but to me it sticks out clearly throughout the whole movie. And I have to amend Disney for putting such a great and powerful message into the movie. I loved it and I will love it forever.

xx, Shiloh

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Month of Instas: March


Happy April 1st everyone!

It's finally time to say goodbye to March and welcome in a new month and I couldn't be more thrilled about it. 

The month of March was really great to me. A lot of really fun things happened as you can see in all of the instagram posts from above. I've been actively continuing on my #100happydays throughout the month and also posting some random things here or there. I have some throwbacks and some amazing quotes that I just fell in love with over the month. 

For me March was:
♠ A new start. (I said the same thing in January, but really God worked on my heart so very much this month that it felt like a fresh start.)
♠ One month closer to graduating. (56 days left!!!)
♠ New experiences. What with going to Lexington for Winter Jam for the first time ever to beginning a lot of new things in my life. 
♠ It meant hope.

I just really loved March and I am loving April already. 
Here's to a great month, and many more adventures.

xx, Shiloh. 

Publishing My Book?


Okay, guys. I need some serious advice from you all today. I am strongly, and I mean strongly considering self-publishing Coffee Colored as an e-book. It's the first book that I've written (as you all probably know) and I thought, hey, why not test the waters and publish it through an e-book before getting any actual publishers involved. I just want to get some opinions on this before I actually do it.

I still have a bit more editing to do before I would do it anyway, but what do you think? Would you consider buying this on your kindle or other e-reader? Please let me know what you think, and also what prices you think would be good to sell it at!

Thanks much!

xx, Shiloh.