Saturday, June 28, 2014

Here Comes The Sun | Spirit Song 2014

//Kings Island
June 26, 2014

concert panoramas are my absolute faves.

So, this past Thursday I got to experience Spirit Song for the first time ever. (I've been wanting to go for, like, five years now). And let me just was fabulous. 

We got to the park at around 9:30 because we wanted to spend the day riding rides before the concert actually started. 

mirror selfies for the win, am i right? 

So, once we got there we decided to hit up planet snoopy first for the little kids to try out some rides. (Just so you're aware, the yellow roller coaster in planet snoopy in the front seat is the least for giggles). And after that we did the carousel. Absolutely no shame.

Once we were done there we decided we wanted to go to the racer, because why not? (Again, the best seat is the front. Just trust me on this). 

It was so much fun to spend the day riding rides and spending time with my cousins and my sister. They're beautiful and funny and amazing. I'm thankful that God blessed me with them. 

this is zoe; she rode her first roller coaster. i was proud.

my darling sister. i'm thankful for this one. 

Then we ate lunch and ya know. Boring stuff. 
But after that I took Allie to ride the beast for the first time. 

BEFORE. she was nervous.
AFTER. it was fun even though it beat us up. (ignore my excited roller coaster face--yikes).

Once that was done we went and met up for the concert. It was my first outdoor / festival type concert and it was so awesome (despite the heat). We partied extra hard. Tenth Avenue North was my favorite of the night, although the rest of the bands were fabulous as well. 

When it started to get dark, Allie and I decided we wanted to go ride a couple more rides and on the way back we danced around the park like lunatics. 

awful pictures but they really just capture who we are and i honestly couldn't love them any more. 

Ended the night with a crazy glow stick / beach ball dance party with Chris Tomlin. 
It was fabulous. 

I honestly don't know what I would do without getting opportunities like these in my life. I'm so thankful for the smallest adventures that I get to go on and the memories that I have been making. They've been pretty freaking amazing so far. 

I am blessed. 

xx Shiloh 

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