Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Life Right Now

I can't think of the right words that could adequately explain my life lately, so I'm going to update you in list form.

  • I started college on Monday and I absolutely love it. 
  • I can't stop listening to Colton Dixon's new album, "Anchor."
  • I'm extremely exhausted but it feels so good to be working through that for once in my life.
  • I'm going to a concert Friday night and I couldn't be more excited about that. Holla!
  • I had my first Intro into English Lit class today and I LOVED IT. We talked about books for an hour. (English Majors for the win)!
  • My room is a disaster area and I need to make time to clean it. Oops. 
I'm not sure what else to write about really. This was a pretty lame update and I'm sorry about that. I will try to update with a better post soon. I did finally finish We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han and I will do a booking it post about that really soon! (hint: It may have been my favorite of the three). 

Okay, I'll talk to you guys soon. 

Byeeeee xx

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