Monday, March 31, 2014

AFOMFT: Youtubers!

As many of you may know, I am pretty much in love with YouTube. I watch videos, I comment on videos, I even make videos (not as often as I would like, but hopefully more soon!). So I wanted to make you all a list of my favorite Youtubers.

Here we go:

  • The Shaytards! - I love love love them. They are my absolute, number one favorite youtuber. They make me laugh and always manage to brighten up my day. And even though they are done with their daily vlogs, I look forward to their 5 videos a week.
  • It's Judy's Life - Another youtube vlogging family. (I really love those). Literally their little girls are adorbs and Benji and Judy always seem to get me to laugh. They're great. 
  • The Vlog Brothers - Obviously. Is my fangirl showing? Hank and John Green (yes, the author of The Fault in our Stars). Their videos are hilarious. Literally, the funniest. Check them out. 
  • Makeup By Kim - basically the only beauty guru I watch anymore. She's so real and down to earth and yeah. She's the coolest. If you like beauty videos she's for you. 
  • Connor Franta - he's hilarious. and good looking. yeah.
These are the one's that I still watch pretty much every time they post a video. They are all very fabulous, and I adore them. That's all for now, but be sure to check back for updates on new youtubers that I find and adore. 

xx, Shiloh

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