Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekly Eye Candy | June 30


So it's that time of week again...WEEKLY EYE CANDY!
I don't know why but I really really love these weekly eye candy posts. I think it's so fun to share the stuff that has been majorly catching my eye lately. 

  • 1. Bobby pins. I don't know why, but I just like this picture a lot for no reason in particular. I just think it's cute.
  • 2. This. Is. Gorgeous. All I want to do with my life is travel and fall in love with the places that God has created for us to enjoy. Nature is a truly incredible thing if you ask me. 
  • 3. I like elephants. And tattoos. I wouldn't actually ever get this tattoo, but I think that it's super cute. 
  • 4. I go to seek a great perhaps. I love Looking For Alaska (did you hear they're making a movie of that one too? Gosh, these John Green books-turned-movies are going to ruin me). I love the idea of seeing a great perhaps as well. Adventure anybody?
  • 5. Everyone smiles in the same language. I just think that this is such a good reminder to smile at people always. You never know if that smile is going to impact someones life or not. 
  • 6. More with the theme of adventuring. I love this idea. Take a picture in every state and cut out the picture in the shape of that state. How cute!?
  • 7. A little reminder that God is with us always. I love the reminders like this one. 
  • 8. I want to fall in love. Waiting on God's timing, so when it does happen I know it's going to be fantastic.
  • 9. Baby feet. Ah. I just love little babies so much. 
  • 10. Stay close to anything that makes you feel alive. Speaks for itself really. It's one of my favorite quotes and I always try to remember this as I live my day by day life. I love it.
So that's all of the weekly eye candy I have for you today, stay tuned to see what I find for next week!

xoxo Shi

Sunday, June 29, 2014

So I Graduated | High School

// Wright State University
May 27, 2014

insta that i shamelessly stole from someone in my class. oops.

So, yeah. I graduated a while ago and haven't really had much time to post about it. What better time than the present, am I right?

There's really not too much that I want to say about it other than IT FEELS SO GOOD. 

I'm beyond ready to move on to college and focus on furthering my writing skills and getting new opportunities. I couldn't be more thrilled. 

the yellows' cute, right? ha

My high school experience wasn't the far. But I am so grateful that I got the opportunities and chances that I did while I was there. And I thought that I would go ahead and share some of them with you. Nothing too much (we'll save that for later), just some of the things that really stick out to me from my four years there. 

+ I met my best friend in the seventh grade. We weren't friends for a portion of our freshman / sophomore years, but we became close again and I couldn't be more thankful to have this girl in my life. She has been my rock through so much this past year and a half. I've been blessed by her. 

her dad is seriously good with a photography too. so that's cool. 

+ I learned how to be more vocal and open with things. I was always a shy kid. Like the cry-when-a-stranger-talked-to-me type. It was bad. But throughout my years of high school I learned to be a lot more vocal and talkative with people. And now I can pretty much talk to anyone who comes up to me. I'm not a shy little girl any more and I am so grateful for that.

+ Some of the best lessons I learned in high school weren't in math or english or history. They were just by simply observing people. I learned that everyone you meet is a little bit broken or a little bit in need of a friend. Life is messy and that's okay. But we have to learn to take it on at full force and give everyone we come into contact with a chance. Because that's what love does. 

+ I found out who I was. It's rare for someone who just got out of high school to say that they know who they are. And to be honest with you, I probably don't completely know who I am either. But I'm better than I was. I know who I want to be, now I just have to figure out how to become her. 

we always have to be goofy.
i love my family.

+ Most importantly, I learned that the people who are always going to be there for me are my family. They support me through everything that I do and I couldn't be more thankful for them and the impact that each of them have made on my life. They are the best friends that I could have ever asked for. God blessed me. 

Overall, high school may have been difficult, but it was definitely worth it and I can't wait to see where my life goes next. 

Congrats class of 2014.
We did it. 

xoxo Shi

How many of you guys graduated this year?


Coffee Colored has been published as an amazon e-book!

I'm so excited to share this project with all of you and I am hopeful for what it will become in the future. I've been blessed by the reviews and comments that I have had on it on wattpad for the past few months, and I can't wait to see how much further this will take it and my writing in general. It's been quite the journey and I can't wait to see what become of this little book.

UPDATE: You can now purchase Coffee Colored for $2.99 on your kindle or kindle for iPhone. Click here to purchase. :)

Thanks again!
Happy reading!

xoxo, Shi

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Here Comes The Sun | Spirit Song 2014

//Kings Island
June 26, 2014

concert panoramas are my absolute faves.

So, this past Thursday I got to experience Spirit Song for the first time ever. (I've been wanting to go for, like, five years now). And let me just was fabulous. 

We got to the park at around 9:30 because we wanted to spend the day riding rides before the concert actually started. 

mirror selfies for the win, am i right? 

So, once we got there we decided to hit up planet snoopy first for the little kids to try out some rides. (Just so you're aware, the yellow roller coaster in planet snoopy in the front seat is the least for giggles). And after that we did the carousel. Absolutely no shame.

Once we were done there we decided we wanted to go to the racer, because why not? (Again, the best seat is the front. Just trust me on this). 

It was so much fun to spend the day riding rides and spending time with my cousins and my sister. They're beautiful and funny and amazing. I'm thankful that God blessed me with them. 

this is zoe; she rode her first roller coaster. i was proud.

my darling sister. i'm thankful for this one. 

Then we ate lunch and ya know. Boring stuff. 
But after that I took Allie to ride the beast for the first time. 

BEFORE. she was nervous.
AFTER. it was fun even though it beat us up. (ignore my excited roller coaster face--yikes).

Once that was done we went and met up for the concert. It was my first outdoor / festival type concert and it was so awesome (despite the heat). We partied extra hard. Tenth Avenue North was my favorite of the night, although the rest of the bands were fabulous as well. 

When it started to get dark, Allie and I decided we wanted to go ride a couple more rides and on the way back we danced around the park like lunatics. 

awful pictures but they really just capture who we are and i honestly couldn't love them any more. 

Ended the night with a crazy glow stick / beach ball dance party with Chris Tomlin. 
It was fabulous. 

I honestly don't know what I would do without getting opportunities like these in my life. I'm so thankful for the smallest adventures that I get to go on and the memories that I have been making. They've been pretty freaking amazing so far. 

I am blessed. 

xx Shiloh 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekly Eye Candy | June 23


Hey hey. I'm back again with another weekly eye candy post for your faces. 

Life has been kind of crazy lately, what with graduation, getting a new job and working constantly, and still trying to make time for my family and friends. So it's good to be back again with a new post. 

These are just some of the things that have caught my eye lately.

  • 1. gone writing is literally all I have wanted to do lately.
  • 2. bonfires bonfires bonfires. I love them and they're just so summery that I can't help but want to have one every weekend.
  • 3. red hair. I dyed my hair red about two months ago and I am loving it. 
  • 4. the fault in our stars. I'm so in love with that movie. And the book. Agh.
  • 5. I don't actually know why I love this picture so much; it just encompasses everything that summer is to me, I guess. Adventures and all of that. I love it.
  • 6. this one just made me laugh. I graduated almost a month ago now, and so it's just sort of funny. Because really, I have no clue what I'm doing.
  • 7. books books books. I've been reading (and buying) a lot of books lately. So, yeah.
  • 8. I just thought this was a really great reminder. Adventures are out there, you just have to create them.
  • 9. I miss watching One Tree Hill. A lot.
  • 10. This bible verse is beautiful. It's a good reminder that the Lord is faithful and I love it.
  • 11. Rollercoasters. I love them too much, obviously.
  • 12. I don't know why but I just love driving with all the windows down and the music up. It's a good life.
So that's all I wanted to drop by and say. I'll be sure to update this blog more often now that I'm finally getting into a routine. 

xx, Shiloh

Friday, June 20, 2014

Booking It: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything?

Today should be one of the worst days of seventeen-year-old Hadley Sullivan's life. Having missed her flight, she's stuck at JFK airport and late to her father's second wedding, which is taking place in London and involves a soon-to-be stepmother Hadley's never even met. Then she meets the perfect boy in the airport's cramped waiting area. His name is Oliver, he's British, and he's sitting in her row.

A long night on the plane passes in the blink of an eye, and Hadley and Oliver lose track of each other in the airport chaos upon arrival. Can fate intervene to bring them together once more?

Quirks of timing play out in this romantic and cinematic novel about family connections, second chances, and first loves. Set over a twenty-four-hour-period, Hadley and Oliver's story will make you believe that true love finds you when you're least expecting it. 

I loved this book. I thought it was humorous, but at the same time very thought provoking and interesting. The main characters, Hadley and Oliver, were so easy to love and relate to and I was left wanting to know more and more about them and what happened to them after the book was finished. 

I think that the author did a fabulous job at truly showing both of their emotions and the up and downs that relationships can have..even if they're only a day old. 

It was a really easy read and only took me a couple of days to finish (I probably could've finished in a day if I weren't so busy). 
five out of five for sure.
check this book out!

Read on!