Monday, September 29, 2014

50 Random Questions Tag

  1. Where were you 3 hours ago?- writing a paper. (#collegelife)
  2. Who are you in love with?- no one at the moment haha
  3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?- maybe...probably...i don't know
  4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?- i'm wearing a pink hoodie
  5. When is the last time you went to the mall?- last week!
  6. Are you wearing socks right now?- nope
  7. Does your family have a car worth over $2,000?- i don't think so?
  8. When was the last time you drove out of town?- Today, my school is about 30 minutes out of town.
  9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?- Nope
  10. Are you hot?- hahhaha i don't know really
  11. What was the last thing you had to drink?- coke
  12. What are you wearing right now?- shorts and a hoodie
  13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?- I don't have a car
  14. Last food that you ate?- chicken pot pie
  15. Where were you last week at this time?- At work
  16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?- Nope!
  17. When is the last time you ran?- Uh....i don't run
  18. What's the last sporting event you watched?- Uh....i don't watch sports
  19. What is your favorite animal?- probs a whale
  20. Your dream vacation?- i want to go to England soooo bad.
  21. Last person's house you were in?- My cousins
  22. Worst injury you've ever had? I had to get stitches once
  23. Have you been in love?- not really, no
  24. Do you miss anyone right now?- Yep
  25. Last play you saw?- the musical last year!
  26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?- don't really have one haha
  27. What are your plans for tonight?- Sleeeep :)
  28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?- i don't even remember though. who uses myspace anymore
  29. Next trip you are going to take?- possibly Colorado
  30. Ever go to camp?- no :(
  31. Were you an honor roll student in school?- yes sir (ma'am...)
  32. What do you want to know about the future?- If I'll be happy
  33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?- some bath and body works think that I can't remember the name of 
  34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?- i honestly have no idea
  35. Where is your best friend?- probably at home
  36. How is your best friend?- good good
  37. Do you have a tan?- nope
  38. What are you listening to right now?- the tv from the other room
  39. Do you collect anything?- boooooks
  40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?- honestly, i have no clue
  41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?- neverrr
  42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?- yes?
  43. What does your last text message say?- literally it's a text from my sister telling me to tell my dad to pick her up from school
  44. Do you like hot sauce?- depends
  45. Last time you took a shower?- this morning
  46. Do you need to do laundry?- Nope
  47. What is your heritage?- Mostly german, a little irish
  48. Are you someone's best friend?- yeah
  49. Are you rich?- nope
  50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?- Uhhh sleeping...hahaha
so...there's that.

Saturday, September 27, 2014



For around the last year or so, my sister and I have been planning and working on our YouTube channel. We've posted a couple videos, but our true launch is tomorrow. It's been a long time coming and I couldn't be more thrilled to start sharing my life with you all. 


:: ABeautifulPath ::

Life is about learning to smile more.

We are two sisters who are learning to love life.

Our goal is to share our passions for inner beauty, adventures, and life. We want to create our own space on the internet to be a safe place for people to come and see that no matter who you are, or where you come from, you can still make life adventurous and beautiful.

We believe that life is meant to be celebrated, even in the tiny moments.


Let us know what you think, and tell your friends!
We will be following back tons on our twitter!

We love you all! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Beautiful Flaws

Throughout my life I've always been a people pleaser.

I will literally do anything and everything I can to keep people happy, even if it doesn't directly impact me. I just want to see people happy. And I want everyone to like me. 

But that's not possible. 
I'm human.
I make mistakes.
I can't make everyone happy.
I'm not perfect.

There's this quote I found on tumblr or something and it says "to be human is to be beautifully flawed" and it just really inspires me. 

We don't have to be perfect. We're just people. Other people shouldn't dictate our thoughts or feeling or anything else about ourselves. 

If we are truly living for Christ, the only one we should be trying to please is him. And the best part about that is that he is a forgiving and merciful God. We can mess up. He knows we will mess up, but he loves us anyway. 
He loves our flawed hearts and he forgives us when we screw things up. 
He forgives us when we're not perfect. (Because, let's face it, we're never perfect and we're never going to be perfect).

Galatians 1:10 says: 
Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please me, I would not be a servant of Christ. 
We need to stop trying to win over other people. They're just imperfect and flawed as we are. They don't have power over us.
Try to truly live for Christ. Live to please him; live to serve him; live to win his approval. He knows your heart and your motives and your mistakes. He loves you anyways. 
I think that's pretty amazing. As much as I mess up and as much as I sin against him, he still loves me. He still wants me. He still forgives me. 
And that's amazing grace. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

10 Things I Learned from Fangirl | HelloShiloh

So it's 8:36 p.m right now and I have two essays due in the morning, but instead of finishing them I decided I need to make a blog post. (#collegelife).

So, anyway. I've been having a bit of trouble coming up with blog ideas lately, because apparently college is zapping away my creativity. (Who would've guessed having to write 5 essays a week could drain all the words out of your brain. Not me, that's for sure.)("A reverse black hole of words." "So the world is sucking you dry," he said, "of language." "Not dry. Not yet. But the words are flying out of me so fast, I don't know where they're coming from." "And maybe you've run through your surplus," he said gravely, "and now they're made of bone and blood." "Now they're made of breath," she said. [i still love fangirl too much, obviously]).


Since I mentioned Fangirl, I thought that I might make a list of things this book (and being in college) has taught me. (Or really just why I love it so much.) Here we go.

  1. It's okay to be quiet / not fit in right away. With being a first year freshman this year, I'm realizing that it's not as easy to make friends in college as they make it seem. I've made one real friend so far, and that's sort of pushing it. It's always been hard for me to make friends since I'm so quiet, but college is like a totally different game. I'm trying to be patient and give it time. Eventually my Reagan, and more importantly my Levi, will find me.
  2. Words will somehow find their way out. (See above quote). It's been an aggressively painful task to write so many essays a week. I'm trying to make the words appear on paper, but it's a lot harder than it may seem. I'm tired and I feel like the words have all been sucked right out of me. But I know that they'll eventually come. It may take some time (and a whole lot of procrastination) but it'll be alright. 
  3. Professors are generally understanding. Professor Piper didn't have to let Cath have another semester to finish her final project--professors don't have to do anything--but they're generally pretty cool. And they understand when things come up as long as you talk to them.
  4. Sometimes your relationships with people have to change to help to move forward. Cath has to deal with a lot of things that her world used to revolve around changing--particularly Wren--and that's okay. People change and grow apart. The world will still go on. 
  5. Sometimes the people you least expect to will mean the most to you. Who would've thought Cath and Reagan would become friends?
  6. College isn't all that easy to adapt to; it takes time. You can't really expect to go to college on the first day and be adapted. It's different than anything you've ever done before, and it will take time to get used to. That's okay. Embrace it.
  7. It's not healthy to stay locked up in your room writing all the time. As much as this one bums me out, it's true. If you lock yourself away you don't have time to build relationships with people. I would love to spend all of my time hiding away while I write, but honestly, if you do that you have nothing to write about. Relationships with people are the best muses. (They are also really beneficial mentally. Make friends, they're cool sometimes).
  8. A little manic is okay. A little manic can inspire creativity. It's okay to be a little bit crazy. Embrace it.
  9. It taught me that I want a Levi. That's all I've got to say about that one.
  10. Rainbow Rowell is, without a doubt, my favorite author. For awhile I just couldn't seem to pick between her and John Green, but as I've reread Fangirl I realized that there is no competition. She won.
Okay, so those are just a few things that Fangirl has taught me. I guess I'm going to go try to bleed out a few more words for those essays now. Wish me luck. 

I'll write again soon,
xx Shi

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014 | HelloShilohh


Long time no blog. (I'm so sorry.)

School has been a little bit crazy. College is a lot more difficult than I was expecting, I guess. It's a lot of writing (just not the kind of writing that I'm necessarily good at).

I also haven't made many friends. Just one, so shout out to her.
But seriously: how do you make friends in college? I can't even figure out how to talk to the kids who sit next to me in classes. It's just hard.

I was feeling pretty good until today, really.
It all just kind of hit me at once: four papers due, a test, a book to read, multiple articles to read.
Where does that leave time for me?

Time management is something that we haven't really talked much about yet. I feel like I have to juggle all of this and I'm not quite sure I'm doing a very good job. I'm not used to having three papers due on the same day; I was always the kind of girl who just wrote them the night before and I'm realizing that if I do that now, it won't be my best work. And I want to do my best work. I want this experience to be something that I'm proud of. I want to look back and think of college as a happy time (compared to my time in high school, that is).

I guess I don't really know what else to say.
Today's been hard. Tomorrow will be better (hopefully).
I'm learning and it'll get better as I go.

xoxo Shi

p.s. why can't I have a Levi? I've been re-reading fangirl and just. I want a Levi. There are no Levi's at school so far.